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Get by Subname



Retrieves subname details based on the specified subname and chainId


Query Parameters

    subname stringrequired

    The subname

    Example: user.jan.eth
    chainId numberrequired

    Chain id, we only support Ethereum Mainnet and Sepolia Testnet (1 for mainnet, 11155111 for sepolia)

    Example: 11155111


The Subname was fetched successfully.

    statusCode numberrequired

    The status code of the response.

    result objectrequired
    data objectrequired
    id stringrequired
    username stringrequired
    data objectrequired
    id stringrequired
    contentHash stringrequired
    addresses string[]required
    textRecords string[]required
    subdomainId stringrequired
    ensId stringrequired
    subname stringrequired
    isClaimed booleanrequired
    claimedAt date-timerequired
    error stringrequired

    Null if no error occurred, otherwise the error message.
