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Resolve a Name


This guide demonstrates how to resolve names to their attached addresses in a chain-agnostic manner. This means any address from any blockchain can be associated with a name, and the name can consequently be resolved to any of these attached addresses.

We'll cover two methods for achieving this:

  1. Using the @ensdomains/ensjs package.
  2. Using the package.

Method 1: Using @ensdomains/ensjs

The @ensdomains/ensjs package is a powerful tool that enables domain name resolution, particularly for the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). Below, you'll find an example of how to use this package to resolve multiple blockchain addresses associated with a single domain name.


First, ensure you have the necessary packages:

npm install @ensdomains/ensjs viem

Code Example

Below is an example code snippet using @ensdomains/ensjs:

import { createPublicClient, http } from 'viem';
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains';
import { addEnsContracts } from '@ensdomains/ensjs';
import { getRecords } from '@ensdomains/ensjs/public';

const client = createPublicClient({
chain: addEnsContracts(mainnet),
transport: http(),

const main = async () => {
const result = await getRecords(client, {
name: '',
texts: ['com.twitter', 'avatar', 'email'],
coins: ['60', '0', '2147483658', '2147483785', '2147492101', '2147542792'],
contentHash: true,
console.log({ result });



  • Texts: These are the traditional DNS records like twitter handle, avatar, email, etc.
  • Coins: These represent different blockchain addresses:
    • "60": Ethereum
    • "0": Bitcoin
    • "2147483658": Optimism
    • "2147483785": Polygon
    • "2147492101": Base
    • "2147542792": Linea
  • The main() function fetches and prints the records associated with the specified name.

Method 2: Using

The package is another versatile tool for name resolution, which supports the resolution of names across different chains.


Ensure you have the required package:

npm install

Code Example

Below is an example code snippet using

import { JustaName } from '';

const main = async () => {
const justaName = await JustaName.init({});

const records = await justaName.subnames.getRecordsByFullName({
fullName: '',
chainId: 1,
providerUrl: '',

console.log({ records });



  • fullName: The full name to resolve.
  • chainId: The blockchain ID. 1 stands for Ethereum mainnet.
  • providerUrl: URL of the ethereum RPC provider.
  • The main() function initializes the JustaName SDK and fetches all records associated with the specified name.

Note: The package will return all records attached to the name, making it a comprehensive solution to retrieve all necessary information linked to a name.