Capsule is a cross-app embedded wallet provider. It supports OAuth methods (e.g., Google, Apple) and other modern authentication mechanisms, making it an excellent choice for onboarding Web2 users into Web3.
Installing Required Dependencies:
Run the following command to install the necessary packages:
npm pnpm yarn
Copy npm install @justweb3/widget @usecapsule/react-sdk @usecapsule/wagmi-v2-integration wagmi @tanstack/react-query ethers
Copy pnpm install @justweb3/widget @usecapsule/react-sdk @usecapsule/wagmi-v2-integration wagmi @tanstack/react-query ethers
Copy yarn add @justweb3/widget @usecapsule/react-sdk @usecapsule/wagmi-v2-integration wagmi @tanstack/react-query ethers
Environment Variables
Set up environment variables in a .env
Copy VITE_JUSTANAME_API_KEY = your-justaname-api-key
VITE_JUSTANAME_ENS_DOMAIN = your-ens-domain.eth
VITE_CAPSULE_API_KEY = your-capsule-api-key
To configure your ens domain and get your JustaName api key, head over to the Dashboard
To configure your capsule api key, head over to the Developer Dashboard
Project Configuration
Capsule Configuration
Import and initialize Capsule with your VITE_CAPSULE_API_KEY
Copy import CapsuleWeb , { Environment } from "@usecapsule/react-sdk" ;
export const capsuleClient = new CapsuleWeb (
Environment . BETA ,
import . meta . env . VITE_CAPSULE_API_KEY
Configure the Capsule connector for Wagmi:
Copy import { capsuleConnector } from "@usecapsule/wagmi-v2-integration" ;
import { sepolia } from "wagmi/chains" ;
const connector = capsuleConnector ({
capsule : capsuleClient ,
chains : [sepolia] ,
appName : "JustaName Integration" ,
options : {} ,
nameOverride : "Capsule" ,
idOverride : "capsule" ,
oAuthMethods : Object .values (OAuthMethod) ,
disableEmailLogin : false ,
disablePhoneLogin : false ,
onRampTestMode : false ,
JustWeb3 Configuration
Configure JustWeb3 with your API key and ENS domain:
Copy import { JustWeb3ProviderConfig } from "@justweb3/widget" ;
const justweb3Config : JustWeb3ProviderConfig = {
config : {
origin : "http://localhost:3000/" ,
domain : "localhost" ,
signInTtl : 86400000 ,
} ,
openOnWalletConnect : true ,
allowedEns : "all" ,
logo : "" ,
ensDomains : [
ensDomain : import . meta . env . VITE_JUSTANAME_ENS_DOMAIN ,
apiKey : import . meta . env . VITE_JUSTANAME_API_KEY ,
chainId : 11155111 , // Sepolia chain ID
} ,
] ,
color : {
primary : "hsl(216, 90%, 58%)" ,
background : "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)" ,
destructive : "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)" ,
} ,
backendUrl : "http://localhost:3333" ,
Setting Up Wagmi and Providers
Integrate Capsule and JustWeb3 with Wagmi:
Copy import { createConfig , WagmiProvider } from "wagmi" ;
import { http } from "wagmi" ;
const config = {
chains : [sepolia] ,
connectors : [connector] ,
transports : {
[ sepolia .id] : http () ,
} ,
const wagmiProviderConfig = createConfig (config);
Component Setup
Create an authentication component to handle connections:
Copy import { useAccount , useConnect , useDisconnect } from "wagmi" ;
const AuthContent = () => {
const { connect , connectors } = useConnect ();
const { address , isConnected } = useAccount ();
const { disconnect } = useDisconnect ();
return (
< div >
< h1 >Capsule 🤝 JustaName</ h1 >
{isConnected ? (
< div >
< p >Connected as {address}</ p >
< button onClick = {() => disconnect ()}>Disconnect</ button >
</ div >
) : (
< div >
.filter ((connector) => connector .id === "capsule" )
.map ((connector) => (
< button key = { connector .id} onClick = {() => connect ({ connector })}>
Connect with { connector .name}
</ button >
</ div >
</ div >
Wrap the application with providers:
Copy import { QueryClient , QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query" ;
import { JustWeb3Provider , JustWeb3Button } from "@justweb3/widget" ;
const queryClient = new QueryClient ();
const AuthWithWagmi = () => {
return (
< WagmiProvider config = {wagmiProviderConfig}>
< QueryClientProvider client = {queryClient}>
< JustWeb3Provider config = {justweb3Config}>
< JustWeb3Button >
< AuthContent />
</ JustWeb3Button >
</ JustWeb3Provider >
</ QueryClientProvider >
</ WagmiProvider >
export default AuthWithWagmi;
Additional Resources
Example Integration Repository