
This section will cover examples of setting up the JustWeb3 Widget with different wallet providers:

RainbowKit: A widely-used wallet connection framework that simplifies the integration of multiple wallet providers such as Argent, Trust Wallet, and Ledger. By combining RainbowKit with the JustWeb3 Widget, you can provide users with a seamless experience for connecting and managing wallets alongside ENS-based features.


Privy: An embedded wallet provider that creates wallets automatically upon user login, supporting various authentication methods like email and SMS. This allows users to manage their wallets without needing to set them up manually.


Coinbase Smart Wallet: A robust and secure wallet solution provided by Coinbase, which can be integrated using Wagmi. This smart wallet enables users to interact with both mainnet and testnet environments (such as Sepolia) while utilizing the JustWeb3 Widget for ENS management and decentralized identity features.

Coinbase Smart Wallet

Each wallet provider has been integrated using Wagmi for easy blockchain interaction, and the JustWeb3 Widget is leveraged to handle ENS-based sign-ins, user identity verification, and more.

Last updated

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