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Unified Gaming Identities in the Metaverse

The Problem: Fragmented Identities and Limited Interoperability

The world of gaming and metaverses is rapidly expanding, yet players face limitations that hinder a seamless experience:

  • Disjointed Usernames: Gamers are forced to create separate usernames for each game or metaverse they join, leading to fragmented reputations and online presence.
  • Trapped Assets: Achievements, items, and in-game currency earned on one platform often can't be shared or recognized in others.
  • Difficult Cross-Game Connections: Building communities and finding friends across games is complicated due to separate identities.

How JustaName Solves It

JustaName simplifies identity management in gaming and metaverses, promoting cross-platform experiences:

  • Universal Gamer ID: Players claim a single JustaName ID (e.g., to use across all integrated games and metaverses.
  • Portable Reputation: JustaName subnames can be linked to on-chain achievements, statistics, and social connections, allowing players to establish a reputation that follows them.
  • Potential for Asset Interoperability: With developer integration, JustaName subnames could potentially act as wallets to store and display cross-game assets like NFTs.
  • Seamless Community Building: Gamers easily find and interact with each other based on their JustaName subnames, building connected communities that aren't confined to a single platform.

Key Benefits for Game Developers and Metaverse Creators

  • Enhanced Player Experience: Offer a frictionless gaming landscape where players maintain a consistent identity and reputation.
  • Increased Engagement: Potential for asset sharing and reputation carryover boosts player loyalty and engagement.
  • Attracting New Users: Simplify Web3 gaming onboarding and reduce barriers to entry, making your games and metaverses more accessible.

Example Use Case:

A player achieves a rare in-game artifact as an NFT in their favorite title. With JustaName integration, they can potentially display this NFT in their profile on a different game or metaverse, showcases their skills and accomplishments, and unlocking potential perks or recognition.