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The Problem: Complex Addresses and Disconnected User Experiences

Traditional Web3 wallets often present several usability hurdles:

  • Unwieldy Addresses: Long, hexadecimal Ethereum addresses are difficult to remember, type, and prone to errors, hindering seamless transactions.
  • Disconnected Identities: Wallet addresses don't offer a way for users to express their Web3 identity, leading to a fragmented and impersonal experience.
  • Onboarding Barrier: Understanding and managing blockchain addresses creates a significant hurdle for new users, slowing adoption.

How JustaName Solves It

JustaName addresses these core issues by providing a user-centric layer on top of ENS:

  • Simplified Identity: JustaName enables users to associate their wallets with easily recognizable subnames under your wallet’s ENS domain (e.g., user.yourwallet.eth). This replaces impersonal addresses with human-readable identifiers.
  • Seamless Onboarding: New users can immediately claim a subname upon wallet creation, significantly improving adoption by removing the friction of raw addresses.
  • Connected Profiles: Users can attach metadata, avatars, and other information to their subnames, creating richer Web3 profiles directly within their wallets.
  • Enhanced Community: Allow the strategic issuance of subnames to build communities within your wallet (e.g., user.yourwallet.eth), fostering loyalty and engagement.

Example Use Case:

A new user downloads your wallet app. Instead of being confronted with a complex address, they immediately claim their subname (e.g., sarah.yourwallet.eth) and start seamlessly sending and receiving crypto. Sarah adds a profile picture, making it easier for friends to recognize her within the wallet's interface.